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Punto de Cambio Programas de Transiciones laborales y emprendedoras

Punto de Cambio Services Clients FAQs Contact us


What is Punto de Cambio’s experience with these programs?

Punto de Cambio has vast experience in this area: since the mid-1990s it has designed and implemented these programs for companies in different parts of Argentina.

Why are they called programs?

Because they are made up of sequences of support interventions designed to generate suitable conditions to achieve work objectives.

Can you implement programs in any part of the country where you operate?

Yes. Our staff travels to any part of the country to launch the program and then they support and supervise the local team responsible for its implementation.

What is the profile of Punto de Cambio’s professionals?

Psychologists, sociologists, psychopedagogists, industrial engineers and marketing professionals, all of them with at least 20 years’ seniority and experience in this field.

Do the programs vary according to position and number of participants?

The design and sequence of activities is the same but their type, number and intensity can be adapted depending on the profile and number of participants.

When the programs are addressed to many people and/or to people that live far away, are they conducted at the head office of Punto de Cambio?

In such cases we select a temporary site away from the company that hires us but that is near the participants’ place of residence.

Why don’t you conduct the programs at the client’s company premises?

Because we need to create certain conditions that require that our work with the participants be outside the Company.

Why do the programs take at least three months?

Even though our programs are not therapies, their duration is similar to that of brief or targeted therapies, and it is with that length of time that we have achieved excellent results.

Do you offer short or intensive programs of a few days?

No. We prefer longer periods to reach the work objectives that allow participants to process their situation and generate changes.

Do these programs ensure that participants will reach the expected results?

No program can guarantee 100% results because it depends on “variables”, such as participants and the market itself, that are beyond our control.

Then, what can you guarantee?

We guarantee our team’s profile, our methodology, and the generation of suitable conditions that will facilitate achievement of the expected results.

In Outplacement Programs, are users supposed to make a choice between getting a job or start a business?

Participants do not have to choose one option to the exclusion of the other, and they can join all the activities the program offers.

In which cases do you consider that participation in a program has been successful?

When the participant has achieved or is about to achieve the main objective, even if the Program has finished.

What is the programs’ reach as regards the participant’s family?

If deemed necessary, the spouse and teenage children may attend for free to support the participant and/or to take part in counseling or training activities that may benefit the whole family.

Punto de Cambio